
+234 812 466 2494 +234 802 303 2196


47, Unity Road, Maryland Estate, Beside Co-operative Villa, Badore, Ajah Lagos.

07:00 - 14:00

Monday to Friday


+234 812 466 2494 +234 802 303 2196


47, Unity Road, Maryland Estate, Beside Co-operative Villa, Badore, Ajah Lagos.

07:00 - 14:00

Monday to Friday

About Us

Founder's Note

As the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles usually begins with a step. In September 2011, the proverbial step to follow my passion was taken. My dream had always been to be close to my biological children to nurture them to be excellent and Godly children.
However, this was not the case. The challenges I faced while raising my children as a working mother opened my eyes and this gave birth to Chasteville School.
Chaste which means PURITY and Ville which means PLACE. Chasteville School – A pure place where the innocence of children will be kept whole, unbroken and not abused. Where individual skills will be nurtured in order to attain their highest potential. And also to use their skills and knowledge to affect this nation positively, as change agents, solution providers, and Servant leaders.

Mrs. Ikpe as she is fondly called by all, has her first degree in Linguistics from the University of Benin and Masters in Managerial Psychology 2007 from the University of Lagos. She has several years of experience working with several Banks and a brief stay at the British Deputy High Commission. Before she finally decided to pursue her lifelong passion.

To adequately equip her for this, she obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Lagos and a Masters in Educational Administration and Planning also from the prestigious University of Lagos. She has attended several pieces of training on the EYFS and other relevant training.
She is an amiable pastor’s wife, entrepreneur, and mother to everyone that comes in contact with her.

Mrs. Ikpe Esther Nkechinyere

Founder/Director of School

Core Values


We help our children to understand that whatever is worth doing is worth doing the best way possible. Right thing, right place, right time, right way, right person, and right results are hallmark of excellence.


We teach our children that true friendship can only be engendered by showing consideration to others.


We help everyone to persevere by equipping them with the skills needed to get through difficult times. We have strategies in place to encourage and motivate children to help them achieve.


We encourage all members of the school to look after each other and the school environment. We encourage each other to take responsibility for our words and actions.


We encourage everyone to do the right thing even when nobody is looking.


By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is bitterest. – Confucius.


We encourage everyone to show kindness and respect for one another in a nurturing and supporting environment.

Our Mission

Is to enable all learner’s access to learning through the provision of;

  • Differentiated, in-depth and cohesive learning programs aligned to year level content and achievement standards informed by the Nigerian and British curriculum
  • highly effective teachers, focused on improving student outcomes, through their commitment to ongoing professional development, quality teaching, evidence-based practices, coaching, mentoring and collaboration
  • a welcoming, safe, happy school where everyone is respected and listened to; a school where we take pride in ourselves and our achievements, enabling children to become confident and successful learners
  • enriching, engaging resources
  • opportunities for community and parents to participate in learning and decision-making partnership
  • proper instructions and guidance on moral compass setting

School Anthem

Chasteville School, where tomorrow begins…

I will do my best to represent Chasteville well.

Greatness is what I am working for,

And I will always be great.

Greatness is what I am working for,

And I will always be great.

Our Vision

Everyone is a learner and every experience is a learning opportunity. Our vision is to be a top-notch citadel of learning renowned for excellence where a total child is molded.