
+234 812 466 2494 +234 802 303 2196


47, Unity Road, Maryland Estate, Beside Co-operative Villa, Badore, Ajah Lagos.

07:00 - 14:00

Monday to Friday


+234 812 466 2494 +234 802 303 2196


47, Unity Road, Maryland Estate, Beside Co-operative Villa, Badore, Ajah Lagos.

07:00 - 14:00

Monday to Friday



At Chasteville School our admission policy is guided by our vision & mission statement. Certain criteria are used bearing in mind that every child is unique in his/her own way. It is imperative to say that our criteria are not subject to religion, tribe or nationality. However, to maintain the set standard, all applicants must meet our entrance requirements.

Applicant Form

All interested parents are expected to visit the school premises during our opening hours to pick up an application form.
Upon receipt of the completed application form and supporting document, the admission office will review the application and contact the applicant if any information is required.


Admission Process Period

All applicants will be notified on the outcome within 72 working hours.

To be eligible for admission into Nursery One, candidates must turn three years by the year of admission, five to be eligible for Primary One, six for Primary Two and so on.

The application forms cost N5000.00 (Five thousand naira) only per child.

Downloaded and completed application form along with payment receipt/bank deposit teller can be submitted to the school.

Proceed to make payment at any FIRST BANK branch closest to you, depending on your choice of our school location.


Account No: 2031687490

Below is a list of documents to be submitted during application.

  • Two recent passport photographs (taken not more than two months prior to date of submission)
    Photocopy of birth certificate
    Photocopy of immunisation card
    Original birth certificate for sighting.
    Parents’ passport photographs

An interview is scheduled for candidates in Nursery One while a written test is first administered to candidates in other classes, followed by an oral interview.

Candidates are not considered for admission into terminal classes such as Class Six but transfers from sister schools are treated on discretionary basis by the Heads of Schools.

A provisional Letter of Admission, Parents’ undertaking and illness indemnity forms are issued to successful candidates within the space of one week after the interview.

Acceptance of admission must be communicated through payment of fees in designated banks and tellers submitted to the business office within a period not later than two weeks.

Parents receive a welcome pack giving them information on what and how they are expected to prepare the child for resumption.